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About MeGet to Know me.
I'm full stack web developer based in Jaipur
I am a tech enthusiast who who enjoys building great products using JavaScript. I have 2.5 years of experience as a full stack JavaScript developer in a product based company PillarPlus. Earlier, I have also worked as a freelancer in the JavaScript related projects.
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My Skills
  • Languages - JavaScript, TypeScript, Python
  • Frontend - HTML, CSS, ReactJS, NextJS, SolidJS, Astro
  • Cross Platform - React Native
  • Backend - NodeJS, ExpressJS, NestJS, Prisma, Fastify, Mercurius
  • Databases - MongoDB, PostgreSQL
  • Protocols - HTTP, WebSocket
  • Tools - Git/Github, VS Code
  • Cloud - Vercel, Heroku, Netlify
  • O.S. - Ubuntu, Windows
  • More - Graphql, RestAPI